
The article “Constructing Normalcy” really made me question the way society defines what it means to be a “normal” individual. The article discussed terms such as “ideal” as being something that was impossible to achieved by humans because they can be only achieved by supernatural beings. It amazes me how certain individuals will turn a term meant for a totally different purpose and turn it into a term to classify and define others. Another part in the article that antagonized me was the quote Alexander Graham Bell made about natural selection. In the article, Bell states how deaf-mutes must marry and reproduce with other mutes to avoid the creation of a race of deaf people. I was really shocked Bell made this ignorant and false statement because Alexander Graham Bell is not  dumb. He was a very intelligent person who invented one of the most revolutionary inventions for society yet would make a bold claim about creating a race of “perfect”people. The whole process of eugenics and developing a generation of normal people reminds me of the Barbie doll models of disabilities. The Ken doll model really is a great connection to the process of making people normal. The Ken doll modeling as a doctor killing people off they could not make normal. It really sickens me people really have the mentality to make everyone “normal”.


The Next Hero

Many men can fit in the mysterious box about the next hero generation. The person I chose for this box was the popular hip-hop recording artist Big Sean. Big Sean in my opinion fits all the qualities of a hero in the millennial generation. According to the Strauss and Howe’s Theory, the millennial generation is the next hero generation. The hero generation exhibits the qualities of optimism and leadership. The Heroes care more about helping their community than being financially secure. Despite the obstacles they face, the Heroes are still genuine and compatible. With this reason, this is why I chose Big Sean as the missing picture in the photo grid. Big Sean grew up in Detroit during the 90s and early 2000s. During this time period, Detroit was somewhat at its moment of going downhill financially and socially. Even though Big Sean was not close with his father like most Heroes are in the hero generation, he was still able to exhibit the qualities of a man through his music and philanthropy. In his song “One Man Can Change the World”, Big Sean gives a powerful message about life and encouragement to his listeners. This song is in a way symbolizes Big Sean’s mentality of community and perseverance. He also gave back to his high school by donating a recording studio to them for students who want to go into music and become great artists.

Through Big Sean’s personality and mindset, he qualifies to be placed in the box with the question mark. Big Sean is one of the music artists today that never gave up on their dream despite hardships. His story behind his music helps define what a true man is in this generation.

Big Sean is an upcoming hip-hop artist that is determined to change the world. He fits all of the qualities of a millennial hero. Courtesy of hiphopgivesback.com
Big Sean is an upcoming hip-hop artist that is determined to change the world. He fits all of the qualities of a millennial hero. Courtesy of hiphopgivesback.com
This picture displays how America viewed manliness in the WWI era. now, that view has changed.
This picture displays how America viewed manliness in the WWI era. now, that view has changed.

“The Cyclical Nature of History | The Art of Manliness.” The Art of Manliness. N.p., 12 July 2012. Web. 08 Aug. 2015. <http://www.artofmanliness.com/2012/07/12/the-generations-of-men-how-the-cycles-of-history-have-shaped-your-values-your-place-in-the-world-and-your-idea-of-manhood/&gt;.

The Next Hero

Black Lives Matter

Many generations has tried to change the corrupt system of taking away lives of black citizens. Courtesy of Time Magazine
Many generations has tried to change the corrupt system of taking away lives of black citizens. Courtesy of Time Magazine

I live in a generation where black lives seem to be taken away with no remorse by the white authority. Unfortunately, this issue has been going on in American for decades now and people are just now trying to analyze the problem and create solutions to it. Even so, multiple generations have tried to bring awareness to the issue of black lives being taken away in the most horrifying way. In the Black Lives Matter video, the success many African-Americans are trying to succeed at is to get justice for black people in the United States. They are trying to bring about change in the corrupt system we are in today. Because of the many marches that had gone on in the past generations, I believe it takes multiple generations to forge a revolution. For the Black Lives Matter movement, the failure of the protest is the riots and the use of violence to make a change. I consider this a failure because violence will not do anything but bring about more violence and create more problems for the African American community.

My family values peace and justice. My family believes every person’s life is important to somebody. The Black Lives Matter movement is based on the value that a black person’s life should matter just like a white person’s life matters in society.

Black Lives Matter

Will There Ever Be Justice For Black Society?

I was out with a group of friends one night around 1am and a police car pulled us over. We were all wondering why the police pulled us over. The reason why he did was because he “claimed” were going over the speed limit by 1mph. In my opinion, he pulled us over just because we were a group of young African American Detroit kids driving around in the suburbs in the dark. This a scenario a lot of the black youth can relate to today. Some white police officers have the stereotype that all back people are thugs and dangerous. Because of this belief, the white law enforcement treats black people anyway. Throughout social media, there is a constant debate about white authority abusing their power on black society. All of the questions about this issue are based on one simple topic: justice for the black citizen. On Twitter, many black power advocates are strongly disappointed in the decision of the Trayvon Martin. Many believe the jury gave George Zimmerman the not guilty verdict because of his nationality. The advocates believe the jury did not fully look over the evidence during the trial because they already had their verdict determined.

Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, and Sandra Bullock are all examples of the white law enforcement abusing their power towards the African American community. Their lives were taken by police officers because of their skin color. I personally am tired of hearing about a black person being killed by a white police officer for no logical reason. What the law enforcement is doing towards the African American community is not ethical. The debates and protests about the issue of equality towards my race are correct and must be addressed to the court system. Many Americans today believe racism had went away and is no longer a problem for society today. This is not true. Racism has been around for centuries and will never go away. Based on the debates, rising deaths of black lives, and unjustifiable verdicts, the true question that arise from this is: Will there ever be justice for black society?

Black lives matter just as much white lives do. Unfortunately, our society fails to see that. Photo from the Grand Valley State Women Studies Article
Black lives matter just as much white lives do. Unfortunately, our society fails to see that. Photo from the Grand Valley State Women Studies Article
Will There Ever Be Justice For Black Society?

Generation Happiness

            I live in a very interesting yet developing generation. My generation is full of young adults ready to change the world, but they do not know what to do and how to inspire others. My generation needs guidance for their future, but is somewhat naïve to the changing norms of society. Because of this, I can define myself as a millennial.

            According to the Pew Research Team, “The label millennial generation refers those after 1980—the first generation to come of age in the new millennium.” The millennial generation is used to having technology around. Computers and cellphones were invented during this time period. I agree with this all the way because I am always on my phone and laptop. I depend on my phone so much that I do not know what I would do with out it. My generation’s dependence on technology has its advantages and disadvantages. Although technology makes finding certain information quicker and more efficient, it makes us lazy. Because of our laziness, a lot of the adults in the older generations do not believe my generation will succeed at life.

            In an article by Claire Thompson, Morrigan McCarthy says, “What millennials seem to be striving for is getting some sort of satisfaction from work…”. This means the millennial generation strives to love what they are doing in life and love the people they work with. I can truly define myself as that because I want work at a job that I enjoy because I love doing it not for the money. I want to be genuinely happy with my life.

My generation is full of hard workers. We are considered the “techno generation” with a lot of rising stars. If I am anything, if we are anything, we are a naïve yet optimistic generation trying to find true happiness at life.

Although many people look down on my generation, we are still optimistic and ready for any change in society. Photo Courtesy of The Blog of Bruce Rosenstein
Although many people look down on my generation, we are still optimistic and ready for any change in society. Photo Courtesy of
The Blog of Bruce Rosenstein

Thompson, Claire. “Millennial Medium Chill: What the Screwed Generation Can Teach Us about Happiness.” Grist. N.p., 30 Apr. 2013. Web. 18 July 2015.

“Millennials: Confident. Connected. Open to Change.” Pew Research Centers Social Demographic Trends Project RSS. N.p., 23 Feb. 2010. Web. 18 July 2015.

Generation Happiness

Rising to the Top

            For me, going to college was never an option. Attending college was not just for my benefit, but also for the benefit of my family and community. However, I never knew what college I was going to attend. I knew wherever I went I was going to represent my culture Povertyand ethnicity. As a student at the University of Michigan, I will be able to realize how the decisions I make in my life now will affect the next 20-30 years of my life.

            What does it mean to me to be admitted into the University? When I was thinking of my answer to this question I thought about my hometown Detroit. On December 14, 2014, Detroit exited from the biggest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history, which had affected the largely African-American community. Coming out of bankruptcy was a joyous moment for my city and opened doors for so many opportunities for the African-American youth in Detroit. Since the bankruptcy, Detroit is thriving and excelling. So many companies such as Quicken Loans are investing in Detroit and offering paid internships to the black youth. With the booming economy, Detroit is on the rise to the top again.

Detroit is a part of me that I would not change. i used this picture to show the beauty of Detroit and how it will rise to the top again.
Detroit is a part of me that I would not change. I used this picture to show the beauty of Detroit and how it will rise to the top again.

            Just like Detroit is on the rise, I am on the rise myself. I am a proud African-American Detroiter who is attending University of Michigan. My main goal is to earn my degree in math education to become a math teacher. I will give back to my community by going back to Detroit and teaching there. Not only will I teach math, but I will also teach the students important moral values for them to use in their life. I will offer the students the U of M education many kids do not get the opportunity to have. Being raised in Detroit is not easy. With my U of M knowledge, I will give the youth knowledge that will give them an equal opportunity to succeed in life.

Rising to the Top